The Event Reports Tab provides a detailed view of your event data, helping you analyze performance across individual or all events. From Room Nights to economic impact, this tab lets you filter, compare, and track your event housing success.
Looking for data on a specific event? Use the filter options to focus on one event rather than viewing all events combined. This makes it easy to locate and analyze details for a particular event.
Displays the New and Accepted Room Nights booked by attendees across all your events, including archived ones. These are the reservations actively contributing to your event’s success.
Shows the New and Accepted rooms booked within all reservations across your events, including archived ones. Each individual room in a reservation is counted here.
Tracks the total number of cancelled reservations, showing the impact of changes or cancellations by your attendees. Each cancelled room in a reservation is reflected here.
Reflects the economic impact your business is generating based on the subtotal from reservations in ‘New’ and ‘Accepted’ status.
This metric displays the average number of days attendees stay at their hotels. It’s calculated using data from reservations in ‘New’ and ‘Accepted’ status across all events, just like on the Dashboard tab.
Displays how attendees are creating their reservations. The most common method is ‘web’ via the front end. As with the Dashboard tab, backend reservations created by your team are also reflected here and the option they select under the ‘Received By’ dropdown during reservation creation.
This section breaks down metrics by event, providing a comprehensive snapshot for each one. Here’s what it includes:
The Event Reports Tab is your hub for event-specific insights, from Room Nights and reservations to economic impact and attendee trends. Use it to compare event performance, analyze attendee behavior, and make data-informed decisions for future events.
For more detailed insights into hotel performance or bucket tracking, check out the Knowledge Base articles on the Dashboard, Buckets and Hotel Reports tabs.