Guide on Late Cancellation Fees

Guide on Late Cancellation Fees

How to set up a cancellation fee in Meetingmax:

Note: cancellation fees only apply to ACCEPTED reservations. 

You can set up a late cancellation fee on the event-level and/or the event-hotel-level. An event-level cancellation fee will charge the same cancellation fee across all event-hotels. An event-hotel-level cancellation fee allows you to charge varying fees per event-hotel. Let's review both:

  1. Set Up An Event-Level Cancellation Fee
    1. Open your event and click on the Payments tab.
    2. Navigate to Reservation Penalties.

      1. Under Type select Late Cancellation Fee from the drop-down menu.
      2. Label your fee (e.g. Cancellation Fee). 
      3. Select Add Fee.
      4. Once the fee has been added, click on the pencil icon to edit the details.

        1. Label: Enter what you wish to call the fee.
        2. Penalty Charge: Enter the penalty amount.
        3. When:
          1. Select "Days Before Check-in" if you want to enable the cancellation fee to charge a specific number of days before the attendees' check-in date. Once selected, enter the number of days before check-in that you want the fee to activate. 
          2. Select "Date" if you want to enable the cancellation fee to charge on and after a specific calendar date. Once selected, enter the desired date from the calendar. 
        4. Fee Message: If you want to add additional verbiage to the Acknowledgement Email you can enter it here. Note: make sure to include the cancellation details throughout the event (e.g. room reservation agreement, front end messaging, etc). 
        5. Select Save.

  2. Set Up An Event-Hotel-Level Cancellation Fee
    1. Event-Hotel-Level Cancellation Fees will override an Event-Level Cancellation Fee. For example, if the event-level cancellation fee is set for $50.00, but you want to charge a $100.00 cancellation fee for the Headquarter hotel, you can do so this way. This process is similar but you set it up under the Event Hotel. 
    2. Navigate to your desired event hotel.
    3. Click on the Penalties Tab. 
    4. Here you can add a Late Cancellation Fee. Follow the same steps above to set up the fee details. 

Enabling a Payment Gateway to charge cancellation fees: 

A Payment Gateway must be enabled to charge cancellation fees. 

If you plan to monetize the booking process via booking fees or deposits, set up your payment gateway as you normally would. 

If you only want to charge cancellation fees you have two options. (1) Enable your payment gateway immediately and charge a $0.00 service fee during the booking process. Note: it is not possible to enable a payment gateway without a front-end charge type. (2) Wait, and enable your payment gateway closer to when the cancellation fee comes into effect. 

Charging Cancellation Fees

As noted above, cancellation fees only apply to ACCEPTED reservations. However, there is a workflow to charge NEW status reservations. Let's review both:
  1. ACCEPTED Reservations
    1. If the reservation is in ACCEPTED status attendees can submit a cancellation request through their unique change request link. Alternatively, an MCP user can submit the cancellation request on their behalf. Once approved by the MCP or HCP the attendee will be charged the pre-set cancellation fee to the credit card on file. Note: MCP users have the option to charge or waive the cancellation fee. HCP users will not see this option. 

  2. NEW Reservations
    1. If the reservation is in NEW status follow this workflow to charge cancellation fees: 
      1. Enable the Close Down Dates feature for Cancellation Requests to disable the ability for attendees to submit cancellation requests through their unique change request link. (If you skip this step, then attendees can cancel a NEW status reservation and will not be charged a cancellation fee.) In your Cancellation Close Message, instruct attendees to contact the housing bureau to submit a cancellation.
      2. To charge a cancellation fee you must first ACCEPT the reservation in the MCP. Open the Reservation Detail page and input a temporary confirmation number. Click Save. Click Accept Reservation. Once complete, the reservation status will change from NEW to ACCEPTED
      3. Find the room reservation you wish to cancel, select Room Actions > Submit Change Request.
      4. In the pop-up, select Cancel > Select the checkbox next to "I would like to cancel my room" > select Confirm Cancellation.
      5. Once complete, refresh the Reservation Detail page. You will see an Outstanding Change Request next to the cancelled reservation. Click on the yellow icon. 
      6. This will open the Cancellation Request. Click the Acknowledge button. 
      7. You will see the option to Charge or Waive the cancellation fee. Select an option and click on Acknowledge and Send Email. The cancellation fee charge is now complete. 
      8. You can now see the transaction under the Reservation Detail > Transactions tab.
      9. Note: Let the attendee know that they will receive a few emails regarding the cancellation (accepted, change request submit, change request acknowledged, etc). The most important email is the one titled Event Name - Reservation Cancelled. This email clearly shows the cancellation fee amount paid. 

Note: any reservations booked without a credit card will not be charged a cancellation fee. (e.g. sub-blocks with free night stays)