How can I keep data synchronized on my own system using the API Push URL?

How can I keep data synchronized on my own system using the API Push URL?

Meetingmax provides a mechanism, per event, that will allow you to send reservation information to an external URL whenever a reservation is created or modified. This URL, controlled by you, will have to accept and parse information provided to it in JSON format. With this information, you will be able to keep reservation details (including info about the event, hotel, sub-block, guests, transactions, etc.) synchronized between your system and Meetingmax.

The API Push URL feature is located per Event under the API tab. When populated, and with at least one of Include reservation details or Include payment gateway transaction details checked, the API Push URL field will be used to send any changes to any reservation for this particular event.

When checked, the Include reservation details section will expand, allowing additional customization of the JSON payload that will be sent to the API Push URL. The options include:
  1. Include detailed event information
  2. Include detailed hotel information
  3. Include detailed sub-block information
An example payload will be displayed in a container below the input fields and will change depending on which options you have selected.

When using the API Push URL functionality, you will see new logs within your Reservation History per reservation. It will describe whether or not the API push was successful, and if you click on the log entry, you will be able to see the actual payload that was sent to the API Push URL endpoint. You can use this feature to help diagnose issues relating to your integration as well as to inspect what the actual payload contained when it was sent.

Another way, to push reservation API information between Meetingmax and your system is to use toogle bulk mode. From the Reservations tab, select the MMX reservations that you would like to sync with your system. 

Using bulk mode, target reservations (100 at a time) to resend their details to the API Push URL. Please note, reservation information transfer is done automatically, the toggle bulk mode feature only allows you to speed up this process.