You have the ability to customize the look and feel of the Front-End reservation process, so it jibes nicely with your companies branding!
There are four areas of customization, all located from under the "Event Branding" sub-heading within the "Communication" section of building an event.
Note: each image that can be uploaded to the Front-End must match its corresponding image dimensions so that the image can appear optimally for the guests. E.g., it is important not to use an event header that is shorter than 811 pixels wide, as it will not align with the message box at the start!
The first area is the "Event Header". This is the banner image that will appear at the top of not only the entire reservation process but also at the top of all reservation emails sent to the guests by your MCP.
For example, here is the event header of our Pharmaceutical Meeting demo event at the very first step of the Front-End.

And here it is during hotel selection.
Event Background Image
This image will makeup the backdrop of the entire Front-End reservation process. It's usually a good idea to use an image closely associated with your company or your event, to tie everything together!
Vertical Banner
You can host vertical banners along the left and right-hand sides of your front-end page! This is a great way to add additional branding to your event's booking page!
Under the "Communication" tab in your event's profile, there is a folder called "Vertical Banner".
Note: images uploaded must be 267 pixels wide by 300 pixels high. You can only upload one vertical banner at a time.
Click on the "Choose File" button to find your photo Alternatively, if your photo is hosted on the web, you can enter URL under the "Choose File" button.
Once you have added your photo, click "Save"! You can repeat this process for as many vertical banners as you'd like to host on your front-end.
Once your photo is uploaded, if you wanted to include a link you can paste or type it into the URL space to the right if the file name, as highlighted below.
You can re-order the images by clicking on the arrows, then dragging each line in the order you wish the photos to appear.
If you don't have the ability to add multiple photos, please contact so we can adjust your settings!
Event Primary Color
This tool enables you to choose an accent colour that will appear throughout the Front-End. In the image below, I've used a different demo event with a red accent so you can see how different colours look on the Front-End!
When the email header banner is uploaded, it will replace the event header in all system emails. This enables you some additional customization for your event. Couldn't decide between two header banners for your event? Why not use both?
The email footer image will show up at the bottom of all system emails. You can use the footer as an additional banner location. You can also add a URL so that when users click on the image, they're redirected to another webpage. This can be a useful tool for advertising a business or the event's website.
This tool allows you to enter additional text at the bottom of your event's front-end. You can add anything here, such as links or other minor messages.