How can I make changes to multiple subblocks?
Have you ever needed to make changes to multiple sub-blocks with one click? Meetingmax sub-block Toogle Bulk Mode allows you to edit up to 100 sub-blocks in one swoop. To use Toogle Bulk Mode start in the "show sub-block" tab from the main event's ...
How can I set up Sub-Block billing instructions for Front-End reservation?
In Meetingmax, we have the ability to configure unique billing instructions that reflect on the front end booking site for sub-block attendees. Many events have requirements for sub-block where billing instructions differ from the main block, such as ...
Can I disable taxes or fees for an entire sub-block?
You can configure your sub-blocks to be exempt from any applicable taxes or fees that have been added to your event hotels, enabling you to bill sub-blocks how you see fit, separably from the main block. To configure a block to be fee or tax-exempt, ...
How can my sub-block have different billing instructions, ie. VIP, Staff etc..?
You can configure sub-blocks to provide attendees with free accommodation for an event. When set up, reservations booked into these sub-blocks will be made with a Payment Note instead, which provides the hotel with billing instructions to work with ...
How can I remove the Group Reservations Link from the sub-block cut-off reminder email?
To expand upon your flexibility in the system, we've now provided the option to toggle on and off the "Group Reservations Link" that is displayed within the sub-block cut-off email. This update will help in cases where displaying the group ...
How can I customize the branding and communication by Sub-blocks?
Sub-blocks can now be branded individually to have a customized look and feel separate from the rest of the event. All of these options can be found on the Sub-block page. And under the Communication For more information about branding see the ...
How can I hide the name of the Sub-block on the Front-End?
To prevent the name of the sub-block from appearing on the Front-End, under "The Basics" tab in the event profile, check the "Hide Sub-block Name" checkbox. You might also want to hide the Sub-block pass code box on the Front-End?
How can I hide the Sub-block pass code box on the Front-End?
If you don't want guests to be able to input a sub-block pass code during the reservation process, you can disable the textbox outright in the Meetingmax System. When looking under "The Basics" in an Event's profile, the option to remove the textbox ...
What is an "Accessible Sub-block"? (Video)
Accessible sub-blocks are blocks with inventory that can be accessed and utilized by another sub-block. This feature essentially creates a passageway for a sub-block to use another block's inventory just as if it were its own. For example, say you ...
What do the Sub-Block emails say? Who receives them?
The sub-block email fields allow you to customize the contents of the acknowledgement and confirmation emails that get sent to the guests of the sub-block you are creating and building. This allows you to add a nice, personal touch to the guests in ...
How can I set up rates and allocate inventory for my Sub-Block?
The inventory screen for sub-blocks can be navigated to in the same way it can for the main-block, but sub-blocks can also have its inventory accessed from the sub-block profile, in the "Inventory" tab. To view a room type at an event hotel with ...
How can I setup a Sub-block's cut-off date?
Just as with Events and Event Hotels, you can give your sub-blocks their own cut-off date. At cut-off, the behaviour is the same as with the event-level cut-off date; the front-end for the sub-block will close, and bookings will no longer be possible ...
How can I create a Sub-Block? (Video)
To create a sub-block, click the "Add Sub-Block" button at the top of the event page. Then, fill in the necessary fields. Note that the fields that require text are denoted with an asterisk. Below is a description of each detail. Sub-Block Name: ...