How do I create a custom report?
Overview While Meetingmax offers a variety of reports, you may need specific data. Enter 'Custom Reports'—a tool for tailored insights. Steps to Create a Custom Report Click [Custom Reports] on the Reports landing page. Select [Create New] and follow ...
How do I use the 'Booked Outside of Block' fields on the Inventory page
The values entered into the 'Booked Outside of Block' fields on the inventory page do not impact your inventory and are for reporting and recording keeping purposes only. Because of this, you have greater freedom with how you use these fields. Their ...
What happened to my favourite reports?
We renamed many of the Pickup Reports to better connect with the information found in each report. Traditionally, a pickup report displays information on the total number of rooms blocked, picked-up, and available for an event. The following name ...
How can I track if emails are delivered to my attendees?
There is a new report in the Master Control Panel called the Email Report. This report can list all emails sent for a given event, hotel, and even for your sub-blocks. This report will let you know if the email has been delivered, opened, if it has ...
How can I track how my reservations were received?
Thanks to a recent change to the reports in the MCP, you can now pull a report to see how your reservations were received in your system. The data is captured from the "Received by" field on your reservations pages, which defaults to "Web" for ...
How are commissions calculated in the Payment Reconciliation report?
When the system calculates what a commission should be for an event hotel, the amount is determined with the hotel's rebate in mind. Rather than simply take the room rate and determine a commission based on the percentage entered in the profile, the ...
How can I schedule reports to be automatically generated and emailed?
Select reports in the Reports tab can be scheduled to automatically generate themselves and be delivered via email to anybody you want! The reports denoted with a icon, can be scheduled: To configure a report for scheduling, you first must set it up ...
How can I track attrition?
You can track attrition for each event hotel in your system! In the event hotel's "Basics" section, there is a field to enter your attrition rate for the hotel. On the Summary Page, you can then view your attrition rate by clicking "Show Attrition". ...
How can I protect my reports/rooming list with credit card numbers?
For increased security in the Hotel Control Panel. when downloading reports (or any excel extraction with credit card numbers), we have implemented a new feature to help protect your guests' data. When generating any report that contains full credit ...
How can I choose my favourite reports?
You can "favourite" the reports you use the most! By favouriting a report, it will appear at the top of the reports drop-down. To choose a report you'd like to favourite, click the "Favorite" button at the bottom-left, as shown below. When a report ...
How can I remove personal information from a report?
With privacy and personal information security becoming more of a concern, you can now hide personal contact and payment information from many reports. If you want the information to show on the report, check the corresponding box. By default the ...
How can I pull a report?
The Reports tab allows you to generate detailed reservation data in various formats. Follow the steps below to pull a report and customize it to your needs. How to Generate a Report Select a Report - From the 'Reports' tab in the lefthand menu select ...
What do each of the MCP reports contain?
General Reservation Reports General Report: Lists all information regarding all of the reservations taken. General 2 Report: Lists a shorter version of the above report, removing information such as payment notes and ETA. Summary Report: Generates ...