Why can myself or my hotelier not view a canceled reservation in the HCP?

Why can myself or my hotelier not view a canceled reservation in the HCP?

A canceled reservation may need to be viewed on the HCP (Hotel Control Panel) to gather credit card details so a cancellation fee can be charged to the guest. However, if the reservation was never accepted by the Hotel, therefore not obtaining a confirmation number, the reservation will not appear in the reservation data table (even when searched) or the reporting on the HCP.

There is a way around this though, you or the hotelier can manually search the reservation in the HCP main search function, this will display the canceled reservation. If credit card details are required, this can be found in the reservation under ‘Rates & Payment Info’. Please note: the credit card details will only fully display if the profile searching has the correct access to be able to view full credit card details for that hotel.

Access the HCP and from the main HCP page using the search function in the top left corner search the reservation number.

You will be taken to the canceled reservation page, from here you can go to ‘Rates & Payment Info’ to see the credit card details.