January 30th, 2019

January 30th, 2019

Hello to all of you and to 2019,

It's been another productive sprint for our development team as they have brought to you some fantastic new features and improvements to make your lives a little bit better and to save you some time in the process.
These will all be live on the 30th January.

New Features:
  1. Event Pinning 
    An oft-requested feature, you may now select an event in your system that is most important to you and have many of the other application's pages pre-filtered with that event. This way if you're generally working within the context of a single event, you don't have to select that same event every time you go to a different page in the application.

    To use pinning, go to your event profile page and select the Pin button in the upper-right side of the screen.
    Knowledge Base (KB) Article 

    Once pinned, the following pages will be pre-filtered on that event:
    - Reservation Search
    - Changes (General, Cancellations, and Processed)
    - Summary
    - Reports
    - Hotel Rooming Lists
    - Import Confirmation Numbers
    - Backend Reservations


    The pinned event will also be visible within the left navigation event list and will appear first. 


  2. Availability and Rates in Backend Reservation Page 
    To make your life a little simpler when creating a new reservation no longer need to switch between the summary page and the backend reservation page. You can now see all of the hotels, their room types, the availability, and rates for your selected event and sub-block.  
    Knowledge Base (KB) Article  



  1. Rooming List Import Improvements
    The team has gone above and beyond to bring you some major improvements on the Rooming List Import tool, now it is much more flexible! You will be able to provide almost any spreadsheet containing rooming list information, map its columns to the proper ones within Meetingmax, and click process! We've even attempted to automatically detect which columns are which based on their column headers, hopefully saving you a bit of time.
    Knowledge Base (KB) Article  

    This new interface will also provide a lot more information about any potential issues regarding your input at an earlier time in the process, as well as will provide you reports on any issues that need to be addressed before completing the import.

    All of the required columns are listed at the top for your convenience.

  2. New Email Templates
    To go along with the cleaner user interface we have given the system emails a new look. Currently welcome email, forgot password , and forgot username will look this way (see below). This will eventually be expanded to the rest of the emails that are sent through the system.


Knowledge Base

The release notes are now being housed in the Knowledge Base for you to go back and refer to when needed. There will also be a few extra details around other improvements if you are interested in seeing the progress made in you system.

Release Notes 30th January 2019

Log-in to your system, play around and enjoy!

The Meetingmax team