How can I track payments made to my event?
The ability to track, monitor and communicate attendee payments is available using the Track Payments feature. To make tracking payments easy, Meetingmax has added the Track Payments feature to help review all paid and unpaid charges from your event. The Track Payments feature is found on the Event's main page by selecting Track Payments in the Event Actions drop down.
The Track Payments page, has a series of options, searched by clicking Filter Results. The options include:
- Paid/Unpaid
- Cancelled Rooms
- Hotel
- (Attendee) First and Last name
Prepare Mass Mail allows the MCP user to communicate payment information to attendees. After clicking Prepare Mass Mail, it is possible to toggle different types of payments similar to those found on the previous page as well as send email receipts to attendees. First, select the attendees that should receive a receipt from the On Mailing List, next write a Custom Message and finally Send All.

A neat addition to this feature, is the ability to review all of the mail sent to attendees from your event. This is done by reviewing the Email Queue tab. In Email Queue it is possible to filter a search between sent, unsent and hotel email.
**Any Unsent mail is usually pending and will send within a few minutes. If you have unsent mail in the record for a long period of time, there may be an issue with the email address or the attendees mailbox. If there are any concerns with sent or unsent mail, please contact customer care at**
Here is an example of a sent email. The Request for Change link allows the attended to make a change to their reservation.