Upon adding a room type to an event hotel, you will be taken to a screen shown below. Welcome to the "Inventory Page".

Note, you can also navigate to this page by either clicking on "List Room Types" when in an event hotel profile and then clicking on your desired room, or by going to the summary page for your event and clicking on the room there. In the summary screen, you can also choose which sub-block's inventory you want to look at as well.
Fill in the inventory section according to data in your event hotel's contract. The rates "Single", "Double", "Triple", and "Quadruple" all refer to the number of guests staying in a room. Each rate that is displayed in this table corresponds to the maximum capacity set up for the room; for instance, the "Signature Room" in these screenshots has a capacity of three guests, so the rates only go up to "Triple". The rate used to charge the guest for each room night corresponds to how many guests are staying in the room. If two people stayed in the "Signature Room", they would be charged the "Double" rate, which shown below would amount to $265 per night.
Use the rate fields to set the room rates on a day by day basis or use the arrow icon to copy the rates to the rest of the days on the row. Next, if your hotel contract mentions any minimum night stay requirements, enter them in the "Minimum Night Stay" row. Finally, fill in the number of rooms available for sale each night in the "Total Inventory" row, and then click "Save"!

You'll notice the numbers contained in the black box at the bottom have updated to reflect your entered information. This data shows the number of rooms Allocated, Booked, and Available for
this room type.
Continue to add inventory for any other sub-blocks that may be required at that hotel by using the drop down menu. Be sure to click "Save" for each inventory block entered!