How can I set up my Event for intergration with Aventri?
Before proceeding, please ensure your Master Control Panel is set up with integration with Aventri.
How can I set up my site integration with Aventri?
Start by going to the event that you will be setting up the integration with. Toggle the "Enable" check box. Then, enter the API Push URL that Aventri has given you.
There are several options you may choose:
- Include reservation details: should be checked. However, you can choose to provide more detailed information.
- Enforce Attendee: when this is set to "Yes", the attendee must be registered in the Aventri system first, and must come to the event's front-end through the Aventri system in order to see the hotel selection screen. This means you will not be able to have attendees register by sending them the sub-block code.
- Reservations per Attendee: if you have a limit of rooms your attendee should be able to reserve, you can set this here.
- Enforce Attendee Message: text entered in this field will display when attendees reach the event's front-end via the booking link, and not through the Aventri system. If left blank, the default message will be displayed, reading "Only members can make reservations for this event. Please contact the event manager."
- Reservations per Attendee Message: text entered in this field will display when an attendee tries to book a number of reservations greater than the number entered in "Reservations per Attendee". If left blank, the default message will be displayed, reading "Please note that there is a limit to the number of reservations you are able to book for this event."