How can I flag a guest who has no-showed?
Occasionally guests may not show up for their booking. In these instances you may want to keep a record of these guests. The easiest way to do that is to leverage the no-show functionality.

Flagging reservation rooms as no-show is only for reporting purposes and will have no impact on inventory or any charging in the system.
On the Reservation Details page, there is a Guest No-showed button associated with each room in the reservation. This button only becomes clickable after the check-in date for the room has passed (a tool tip will indicate this restriction when it is disabled).
You will have the ability to select dates of no show for each room reservation. This feature allows MCP and HCP users to update the number of nights No-showed on New and Accepted reservations after the check-in date has past.
There is additional search functionality on the Reservation Search page which will enable users to search on reservations with or without rooms that have been flagged as a no-show.
Several reports include the current no-show value. These reports can also be filtered based on their no-show status. The following reports support the no-show functionality:
- No Show
- RL
- Full Rooming List
- Full Rooming List 2