How can I archive an event in my MCP?
When an event is complete and you no longer wish to view its assets, you can archive it, storing it in a dormant state away from the rest of your system until you ever decide to restore it, which can be done at any time.
Archiving an event has various effects in your MCP, namely removing the event and its assets throughout your MCP. Reservations associated with the event will no longer be returned as results in the "Reservations". The event will be removed from the report drop-down menus, as well as those in the "Rooming Lists" tab.
Archiving the event is the closest function to deleting an event, meaning an event cannot be completely removed from your system. When archiving an event, it doesn't matter how many reservations there are, nor what state they're in. Be sure not to accidentally archive your event while it is live and taking reservations, as archiving an event shuts down the Front-End all together!
To find your event after you have archived it, click the "Archived" button in the top right when viewing all of your events.