How can I create my Google Maps integration?
The Google Maps integration is an embedded Google Maps view of the area where the event and its event hotels are located. Visible on the Front-End Reservation during the first step of the reservation process.
The attendee has the ability to click map view when making there hotel reservations. The MCP user has the ability to have map view appear first, instead of the hotel list. Configurable in the "The Basics" section of building an event.
2. Create a project
2. Set up Billing for your project
3. Navigate to Credentials tab create credentials API Key
4. Copy Google API Key - to be entered into MMX
5. Navigate to API tab, enable the following API's Geocoding API and Maps JavaScript
To finish your Google Maps integration in Meetingmax. Select the "Setup" tab, click "Integrations", and "Google Maps" from the "Integration" dropdown. Add the API Key from your Google Maps API and your all set! It's really that easy.

Please note: the map will not display properly if the Application Restrictions are applied, you can apply API restrictions if you like, but no Application Restrictions. The Geocoding API cannot function properly with the Website Application Restriction enabled.