How can I add social media links to my Front-End?

How can I add social media links to my Front-End?

You can add social media links from within the "Communication" tab when building an event, under the "Social Media" sub-heading. These link will show up on the Front-End on the side of the page you choose, and will display throughout the reservation process.

Checking the "Enable" button will turn the links on, making them appear on the front-end on the side chosen in the "Position" dropdown. Unchecking the box will turn the links off.

Clicking on "Add Media Link" will bring you to the link creation screen.

You can choose an image from the "Image" dropdown, which allows you to assign the correct social media icon, or you can choose the custom option to upload your own image.

"Label" refers to the message that is shown when you hover your mouse of the social media link icon on the Front-End.

Clicking "Save Link" adds the new link to the list, which you can rearrange by clicking and dragging the links up or down.

"Position" simply refers to which side the link show up on, on the Front-End!