Hotel Filters
Adding filters to the listing of hotels can be done in the "Fine Tune" tab when building an event, under the "Hotel Filters" sub-heading. Clicking on the "Add Filter" drop-down will list the available filters. You can also add a custom filter.
Custom Filter
To create your custom filter, select it from the dropdown, enter the name you would like to call the filter (this can be changed) and select [Add Filter], it will then appear in the filters table.
You will see a pencil icon next to the custom filter name, select this to edit. You will then be taken to the below screen:
You can input an option name for each custom option for the custom filter. E.g. if your custom filter is Neighborhoods, your custom filter option would be each of the neighborhoods you would like your guests to be able to filter by.
Once you have entered your Option Name, select [Add Option], once it appears in the table, you can select the edit button under the "Edit Option" heading which will allow you to assign event hotels to the option.
On the Front-End, your custom filter and all other filters added to your event will appear on the left side of the screen.