How can I add a new Planner Control Panel user?

How can I add a new Planner Control Panel user?

To Add a new Planner Control Panel (PCP) user, head to the Users page of the system, and go to the Planner Users tab. 

Here, you'll find a list of all PCP users currently in your system. To add a new user, click Add New Planner User in the top right of the page.

Once you arrive at the New User screen, the first step is simply to set up the user's credentials. Enter their Username, their First and Last names, and their Email address. Additionally, you can enter any internal notes you'd like to associate with this user, such as extra contact information and their role at their organization.

Once complete, you can move on to the second step by clicking Assign Events. Note that if you want to assign their hotels later, you can simply click Save and come back at a later time. Additionally, you can disable the user by toggling the Enabled checkbox before saving, which will create the new planner user without sending them their account setup email. 

To begin assigning events to our new planner user, we must first decide what their default access level should be. Default Access refers to what their access level will be for every event in your system by default, which you can overwrite for specific events afterwards.

You can choose from the following three options:
  1. No Access: completely hides all events by default
  2. Read Only: displays all events by default but will withhold permissions to create new reservations and submit change requests; users can still run reports and view the summary table for the event
  3. Full Access: enables the user to create new reservations and submit changes

Next, we can assign an event-specific permission. In this case, the user won't be able to see any of the events by default in the PCP, but we do want them to see and access the IEM Vancouver 2025 event. To accomplish this, we'll simply enter the event in the Events field, and select Full Access from the Access field. Then we can click Add Event, Save, and the user will be all set to go!

Once Sabrina logs in, she'll now be able to see IEM Vancouver in our PCP, and can start creating reservations, editing rooms, submitting change requests, etc.