Once an event has been saved, you can begin adding hotels to it, which are called "event hotels". When viewing an event profile, click "Add Hotel" in the top left to add a hotel you've created to your event. To review how to add new hotels to your system, click here. 
Then, fill in the necessary fields. Below is a description of each detail.

Enable: Check the box if you would like the hotel to be live on the public site. Leave the box unchecked if you do not want the hotel to be visible on the public site.
Hotel Options:
- Headquarter hotel: Check this box if this hotel is the headquarter hotel for this event. It will be listed as the first option as well as highlighted as the headquarter during the reservation process.
- Enable purchase order payment: Check this box to allow for payment by purchase order with direct billing. If checked, the option to select either credit card or PO will be provided during the reservation process. Make sure this form of payment is discussed with the hotels beforehand!
- Hotel notification: Check this box to send an email to the hotel email address listed in the hotel profile. If the box is checked, you can select how often you want the email sent to the hotel, either once per occurence, meaning each time a reservation is submitted, or once per day at a specified time.
Reservation Options:
- Accept bookings: Check this box to allow room reservations to be made. This option can be used to manually close the hotel for reservations. TIP: Double check inventory, cut-off date and cancellation policy beforehand.
- Accept bookings after cut off date: Check this box to allow room reservations to be made past the master cut-off date that is part of the event information. Once the box is checked, enter the date and hour in the fields that appears. Rooms at this hotel will continue to be available until the time on the date provided.
Number of Rooms Allowed to Book per Reservation: Provide the maximum number of rooms on person can book in one reservation. TIP: For team events, allow the maximum number to fit an entire team.
Indicate Room Availability When Number Reaches: Provide an indicator of room availability that will be displayed during the reservation process to guests. This number will appear to the delegate once the balance of rooms remaining is below the number provided. TIP: Keep this number high for team events.
Hotel Distance From Event: Use this feature to place the hotels in distance order from the event. In order to place the hotels in distance order from the venue, the event address must be entered in the event information. Once both the hotel and event addresses are in place click, "Calculate Distance". The distance will appear in the field in miles or kilometers, depending on what you've chosen for the event.
Additional Information: Provide specific information about the hotel that would be relevant for this event and for guests that will be displayed with the hotel description. What you enter here will show up on the front-end just for this event, and not for other events where the hotel has been added. E.g. complimentary breakfast, shuttle pick-up, non-refundable charges.
Room Reservation Agreement: Provide the cancellation policy for individual reservations for this event. If it is the same as the hotel profile information under the Hotels tab, then simply click "Copy From Hotel Profile" and it will automatically appear in the field.