Event Links Displaying Old Event Details on a New Event
If you are finding when accessing your event URL that a different event landing page/messaging is appearing this may be due to the event page code (URL).
This could occur when you are creating a new event for a reoccurring event, or when cloning an event. If the event page code (URL) matches an event in your 'Manage Events' list, even if it's disabled, you will find that both Disable and/or Start messages will appear when clicking on the event URL.
To create a unique link for guests to follow to reach the Front-End of your event, go to the "Fine Tune" tab for the event, and under the first heading, "Event Group (Page Code)", you will see a text box where you can edit the URL.

You can though if you like, use the same URL for multiple events. Doing so would group all events together on the same Front-End, allowing the guest to see multiple events at once.